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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  October 23, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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>> you are watching wbal tv 11. >> live, local, late breaking. this is 11 news at noon. >> good afternoon, and welcome to 11 news at noon. i am sarah caldwell. focusing on the finish. one after the final debate, president obama and that romney are making their final pleas to those in swing states. daniel has more from washington.
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>> after a late night in florida, mitt romney was at the airport early. heading straight for nevada, a swing state that could be leading towards president obama. obama state and florida, also swing state, turning his attention away from last night 'foreign policys debate to hear at,. >> i laid out a plan for jobs and middle class security. unlike mitt romney, i am actually proud to talk about what is in it. >> spoke about the plan and a 20 page booklet just released along with a new tv advertisement. >> read my plan, compared to governor romney's and decide which is better for you. >> the latest from the ad is focusing on last night tiered >> he said america had dictated other nations. america has not dictated other nations. we have it freed other nations. >> romney accused the
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president of not showing leadership overseas. >> nor in the world is america's influence greater today than it was four years ago. >> obama portrayed mitt romney as inconsistent in the middle east. >> you were wrong and inconsistent. >> now with no debate remaining, it is up to voters to decide. >> democrat's senate romney seemed less understanding. republicans and he portrayed himself as a capable commander in chief. later today obama will be in ohio. >> the presidential candidates are not the only one heading into the homestretch. a debate last night. the candidates focused on several topics including homeland's critic on immigration and jobs. same-sex marriage a hotly contested issue in our state
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took center stage. >> i prayed about it and did whatever i thought i needed to do. and in the end, i decided it was a very tough decision for me to come out in favor of it. a was a word about discrimination geared >> marriage throughout centuries has been throughout centuries a man and woman. i do not agree that people of the same sex who lived together to not deserve equal protection. do not call into marriage. >> candidates for the green and libertarian party's did not take part in the debate. early voting officially open to any registered voters this saturday and runs through next thursday november 1. the run until 8:00 p.m. each day until sunday's when there will be open noon until 6:00 p.m.. time is running out for maryland homeowners to apply for a tax
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credit that could save you thousands of dollars. this is the first on the tax credit will not automatically apply to qualified filers. the credit establishes a cap on how much property taxes can increase from year to year in the state. the onetime application deadline is december 31. after that, filers lose out. >> we cannot get it back for anyone. we have no power, the mayor, the governor has no power. it is the law. therefore, use it or lose it. >> it is estimated 25,000 eligible homeowners and baltimore city have yet to apply. for more information contact the maryland state department of assessments and taxation. the number is 4107672165. you can have additional information about the tax on our website at, just click on project economy.
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>> cloud cover across the northern part of the state, a couple light sprinkles, all falling apart. this is a three or loop of the radar. see how the green and disappears. if you do to the last frame, just light sprinkles near aberdeen. the rain is ending. looks like amateurs should be bouncing back in the afternoon once the skies clear out. -- it looks like the temperatures should be bouncing back. >> thank you. in maryland mother suing the makers of monster energy drinks after she says her 14-year-old daughter died from caffeine toxicity. she consumed two 24 ounce cans of monster in 24 hours. the fda does not regulate energy
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drinks because they are considered a dietary supplement not a food. that is something her mother says it needs to change. >> the need to be regulated. they regulate ice, bandaids. >> she is a heart defect but her mother said she had never received any restrictions from her doctor. the fda is now joining in the investigation setting the deaths of at least five other people of died after consuming too many monster energy drinks. baltimore county police looking to solve a year old case. parties on a man floating in the back river under the beltway bridge last september. -- authorities found a man. the have been unable to identify him through an autopsy or dna test. monday, investigators released a forensic sketch of what the man probably looks like. what they say it may not be correctly accurate, authorities are asking everyone to look at his face and help bring closure to the ongoing investigation.
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>> he was someone's son. he may have been someone's father, husband, brother. and we would very much like to know who he is so we can notify people who may have been close to him. >> baltimore county police believe the man is from the dundock area. they urged anyone with any information to call the department. coming up on 11 news at noon, massive traffic backups and los angeles right now after several big rigs collided on a high record what officials say began the damage. and here to answer your plant questions. send your still send your still
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>> the cleanup is ongoing in los angeles after big rigs in a dump truck collided this morning. the highway patrol says two separate accidents happen, the first including four trucks and the second involving five more. so far, no other injuries besides the one have been reported. speed seems to be because of the crash. police in new jersey says a body recovered late last night be that of a missing 12-year-old
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girl. they say the body was found in the recycling container in this neighborhood in clayton. . believe the body is 12-year-old autumn. an autopsy will be performed later today. new details emerged in a shooting outside of wisconsin. investigators. radclif shopf and killed three women including his wife. according to a court document, she requested a restraining order against her husband saying he threatened to kill her if she ever left him are called police. one survivor was released from hospital monday. still to come on 11 news at noon, apple said to make a big reveal of a littlea little prod. we have a preview of the ipad mini. and go team go is a thing of the past. why doctors think the evolution of cheerleading and needs a new
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label. >> and we are keeping an eye on the tropics. sandy could be impacting the east coast by this week. we will give you a live look at ocean city right now. it is a beautiful, the sun is out. temperatures are a little warmer. already in the low 70's. questor not forget, -- do not forget, send your plant
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>> in today's medical alert,
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experts at the american academy of pediatrics said there's no difference between organic and conventional food. pesticides are lower in organic food. they say it could have an impact on intelligence and development. but they say it is not enough to recommend organic. as long as your kids are eating fruits and vegetables that is what is a portent. another recommendation -- their experts are calling for cheerleading to be designated as a sport and all states. that is because the number of serious injuries has skyrocketed as trading has become more acrobatic, being designated as a sport would mean access to qualified coaches and better medical care. >> now your 11 insta-weather plus forecast with ava marie.
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>> what i started off with a look at the radar. you can see a lot of cloud cover across the northern part of the state. a couple light sprinkles still tracking north. as we move toward the northern part of the carroll county. overall we are expecting most of this to all the dwindling. the clouds should be clearing out. not too much precipitation to worry about. it is passing up to the north. but you can see as we take a wider view of the radar. this is sitting to the north. we trail this back into ohio or the bulk of the energy from this next storm continues to track. here is a look of the temperatures across the metro area. 70 at bwi. 64. some cooler air in place because of all of the cloud cover.
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it prevented the temperatures from warming to much. the further south, warmer temperatures. we expect temperatures near baltimore to at least get into the mid 70's. especially as we get more sunshine as we go through 3:00 p.m. that is our high temperature. mid-70s dropping into the low seventies by the evening and into the 60's as we get past nine p m the sky should continue to clear out into the evening hours. here is something we need to look out for, the tropics, a tropical storm sandy, a large storm system taking up the entire caribbean right now, and continuing to move up to the north, making its way towards derecho and cuba. this is a concern for those areas. this storm expected to continue to track and north. this is good news. the latest track from the hurricane center storm away from the coast. this is still very undecided.
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some models want to trek up to the coast into early next week. things are very undecided. but that is hope at least. and it should stay away from the east coast. we shall have to see into the weekend. for tonight's forecast, temperatures dropped into mild levels, 60 degrees downtown and 50's in the suburbs. as we take you to the seven-day forecast, war and to tomorrow. high in the 80's. dropping into the low seventies by the end of the week. this weekend, mostly dry. until someone could to the impacts of coastal storms. >> in today's consumer alert, it has been widely anticipated. apple is expected to take the wraps off of the scaled-down ipad. 11 news reporter mark as a preview of the ipad mini. >> we have something barry great
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to announce. >> steve jobs always said there is no need to downsize the ipad. it is still demands about two- thirds of the target market. but with competitors getting rom a small or for tablets, there are expected to respond today with the ipad many. >> they need to extend their line. keep milking the market. >> it is expected to have a seventh to 8 inch screen. less certain is what features the new version will offer. many observers expect a base price around $249. >> i imagine that the new ipad might start of a very low end, and many want to start configuring them would start rising up to the price of what the third generation ipad is. >> is senior editor scott steiner says the many could
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cannibalize sales of the larger ipad. "ipad touch being more of risk. >> it is a tweener device. it can probably exist for those that do not have an iphone. people will start picking the ipad mini over the touch. >> the expect schools and businesses to give a big push for the ipad many. as microsoft is offering a tablet later this week. . mark berger, wbal tv 11 news. >> we are here to answer your plant questions. >> now is the time to plant bulbs. some are a little bit different. this one is called crown imperial. this gives to be about four feet high. beautiful. the most beautiful bold you will
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ever come across. >> is like a skunk. this one is related to onions. these get about four feet tall. so many told us. >> this one is my favorite. i loved it. >> thank you carrie. this person says i 15 banana trees that i bring inside in the fall. if i leave them out will they survive? >> of their tropical, and up. there is a variety that could stay out. but if they are not tropical, i do not know or you would put 15, but bring them all and. >> next question, one should mulch the put in my garden? >> once we get a couple frosts. we have had some areas in northern baltimore county that have had a couple frosts, but i would wait until ththe ground gs cooler. >> was the best fertilizer to
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keep my want grain and free of weeds. that is the million-dollar question. >> there are a lot out there. right now you cannot apply a weed killer, you can apply them in our early spring. we carry a brand called jonathan green. the weed killer is in the same package. timing is very important. indeed the right product for the right time of year. -- you need the right product for the right time of year. >> great advice as always. thank you for coming. if you have a plant question, send it to or visit our website coming up next hour lottery numbers. and another check of the insta- weather plus forecast with ava marie. and now and look at how wall street is performing this hour.
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>> the early bird gets the fish? the baltimore aquarium has rolled out a new promotion called maryland mornings, those who visit before noon will pay $8 off for adults and $4 off for kids. the program will run until february. coming up tonight, and maryland mother wants answers. this after her 14-year-old daughter died after drinking two
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cans of the monster energy drink. now the fda is taking the case. from same-sex manage to gambling in maryland, it seems like the local clergy is taking a stance of every political issue. we break down how it could be a game changer on election day. and a virtual high-school -- kids and baltimore taking classes with kids in south korea. the calls on the next wave in education. and now you are lottery pick 3 and pick four numbers. >> good afternoon. your pick 3 numbers are -- 6-6- 4 first, celebrate the holidays with the it is a wonderful life scratch off. i could win up to 20,000 hours instantly or mail and you are not winning tickets for more
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chances. here are your tech four numbers. 9-4-7-8. 9 4 7 8 the maryland lottery outlets yourself apply. >> another look at your forecast. >> it really is nice for the next couple days. warm as well. highs near 80 degrees. not only this afternoon but into tomorrow. cool down thursday and friday. and this weekend, a big question of where it will go. >> we know you will be watching. thank you, ava marie. and thank you for joining us. have a great day. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group]
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